Travel through Narva - Ivangorod border crossing point

Travel by bus or private transfer from Tallinn to Saint Petersburg:

How to get from Tallinn to St. Petersburg in 2024? There are currently no flights or trains. One of the inexpensive and relatively convenient ways to get from Tallinn to St. Petersburg is by bus. Another option is a private transfer from Tallinn or St. Petersburg. Option number three is a taxi in Russia and a train in Estonia. Whichever route you choose, we wish you a safe journey, pleasant summer and the magic of white nights in the Northern Capital of Russian Federation.

Three companies that provide bus service from Tallinn to St. Petersburg:

  1. Ecolines
  2. Baltic Shuttle
  3. Lux Express

Tallinn to St. Petersburg bus schedulle:

  • 06.45 - Ecolines
  • 07:00 - Lux Express
  • 09:45 -Baltic Shuttle
  • 15:00 - Baltic Shuttle
  • 15:45 - Lux Express
  • 21:45 - Baltic Shuttle
  • 23:00 - Lux Express

St. Petersburg to Tallinn bus schedule:

  • 06.30 - Ecolines
  • 08:45 - Lux Express
  • 10:00 -Baltic Shuttle
  • 14:55 - Baltic Shuttle
  • 16:00 - Lux Express
  • 23:15 - Baltic Shuttle
  • 23:30 - Lux Express

The trip between Estonia and Russia usually takes 6-7 hours, but it all depends on the queues at the Estonian-Russian border crossing between Narva and Ivangorod. Below is the bus schedule from Tallinn to St. Petersburg and from St. Petersburg to Tallinn. 

Please note that the journey from Tallinn to the border checkpoint in Narva takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes, and from St. Petersburg to the border checkpoint in Ivangorod - the same 2 hours and 30 minutes. Thus, as the bus arrives, the queue at the border will increase significantly. Always take into account the time difference, as Estonia is switching to winter/summer time, while Russia is not.

Private transfer between Tallinn and St. Petersburg:

The best and most convenient way is to book a transfer from Tallinn to St. Petersburg or vice versa. Our driver will meet you on the ferry, at the airport or at your address in Tallinn and safely take you to the border checkpoint in Narva. Another driver will be waiting for you on the other side of the border while you cross it on foot to Ivangorod and will safely take you to St. Petersburg.

Train from Tallinn to Narva plus private transfer from Ivangorod to St.Petersburg:

To save on some expenses, you can take a train from Tallinn to Narva and order a transfer from the Ivangorod border checkpoint to St. Petersburg from us.

Crossing the border between Russia and Estonia on foot:

As from February 01, 2024, the Ivangorod vehicle border crossing point is closed for reconstruction until further notice.  Lux Express operates trips on the route Tallinn - St. Petersburg - Tallinn, Riga - St. Petersburg - Riga with a connection at the Narva - Ivangorod border. Passengers cross the border on foot.

Estonian border crossing point for pedestrians Narva-Ivangorod

Money through the border and customs regulations:

NB! To avoid unnecessary complications when crossing the border, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the customs regulations of Estonia and the Russian Federation before traveling! Remember that the export of euro cash from Estonia to Russia is prohibited! It is better to exchange euros for American dollars. Remember that Russian banks do not accept worn out or torn banknotes for exchange, as well as bills that have any stains or inscriptions. Do not forget to declare your money at the Russian customs if the total amount exceeds the equivalent of USD 10,000 per person.

Book a transfer from Tallinn to St. Petersburg